Do you have imposter syndrome?

You may not know what “imposter syndrome” is but it s a condition that affects up to 70% of people and they likely don’t even realize it. Simply put Imposter Syndrome is when someone doubts their skill, talents and abilities and has a persistent fear of being found out as a fraud. Although this feeling is completely normal it can prevent you from having peace in running your business. Ultimately imposter syndrome will lead you to feeling defeated, deflated and downright burnt out before you ever have a chance to succeed.

I have experienced this throughout the years of running my business and have been able to recognize these traits in order to cope or overcome these paralyzing feelings of defeat that have crippled my business from moving forward. This self doubt keeps you from seeing your own value and worth that your business brings to consumers.

There are actually five predominate ways imposter syndrome manifests itself. Over the next several weeks we are going to look at them one by one. I am going to share how each one has affected me and what I have done to battle each one of these traits.

To fight imposter syndrome in my life I had to stop doubting myself. I realized something that changed my life, no matter what level of my career I’m in I will always dream bigger. I will have a vision that I am pressing towards no matter what.

This doesn’t have to be unhealthy. I have realized that it doesn’t matter how quickly or how slowly this happens in my life. It will happen at God’s pace not mine. This new perspective let me have a completely new outlook on my life and my business.

I’ve given my business plans into God’s hands. Whenever he wants to grow it HE will. I am doing today everything I know how to become the best photographer I can be. Thats the key.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your business. Rest in your results however big or small they are. You have to celebrate the success even if it’s as small as someone shaking your hand and telling you “thank you for what you do”. It matters.

I want you to see yourself how others see you. So many times clients are very skeptical about how they could possibly “look like your other pictures you’ve taken” The reality is that I photograph entrepreneurs. You have a tenacity and drive in you that most everyone else on the planet does not have.

That is what makes you. A photo shoot with me is simply bringing that fierce, passionate leader in you out for everyone to say. More than simply walking away with branding materials and epic social media and website content clients walk away with a renewed joy and passion that they did not have before.

This is simply what I am asking of you. To book a phone call with me so we can talk about how to give you a photoshoot to look like the boss that you are! Ask my clients, I’ll dance with you to Drake while walking in the middle of downtown!

Stop saying you’ll get a branding shoot “one day”. Today is the day for you to get amazing pictures of yourself and your brand! Not only will you combat imposter syndrome but you will get amazing content for your social media and website!

Simply click the button below to setup a casual call about how we can nail your branding photos!


Perfectionism kills progress


its okay that you cannot do it all!